Eating and Drinking with Sinners

Several years ago I was listening to the author Leonard Sweet talk about how the modern church has forgotten what it means to be the people of God. The first thing he said when he walked on stage was, “Good morning sinners.” He waited a moment and said…

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donna schulzComment
Why We Do What We Do

I think people are just looking for something real.

There's enough fake news and phony people trying to sell us something everywhere we go. It's enough to turn many of us into jaded cynics—we tend to be skeptical of anyone offering us something that sounds too good to be true. Most of us would call this approach to life "wisdom," right?

It makes finding a…

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Frank Hart Comment
How Do We Receive God's Blessing?

God has chosen some very ordinary elements and procedures for applying His work of salvation to us. They are so simple, you might even make the mistake of thinking they have no truly effective power—like they’re merely a symbolic cure, a placebo—but that would be a grave error. These are the most powerful mediums on earth. They are: God’s proclaimed Word, Baptism, Absolution, and the Lord’s Supper.

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Frank HartComment
What In The World Is The Church?

If you are a Christian, you need to be in your local church every week—your brothers and sisters need you, you need them, because the world needs Jesus.

The church is a sprinkler system in the desert. The church is a full moon in a dark sky. The church is an embassy of the kingdom of heaven on earth. The church is you.

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Frank HartComment
How to Make Church Fun and Filled With Joy

Everyone says they want the Sunday church experience to be joyful, and a meaningful part of their life. No one wants church to be boring, awkward, or devoid of practical relevance. People have lots of opinions about how to make this happen—about everything from the music, the seating, the length of the sermon and whether or not the Bible is read from the king's English. 

All of those things probably matter to some degree or other but I'm gonna propose something that I think is far more important to the life of the church than any of those things...

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Frank HartComment
How to Wait for CHRISTmas

Staring at the brightly wrapped gifts under the plastic tree, "which one of these boxes could be the Johnny West Covered Wagon I circled in the JC Penny Toy Catalogue?" Standing in our Christmas socks wondering what could be hidden in all these paper mysteries. "It's still three days until Christmas—it feels like...

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Frank Hart
How to Have a Happy Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving. A day we set aside to be thankful, a day filled with the hopeful expectations of good times and great food. Sometimes we have really high expectations—that we put on ourselves and on others—and if those expectations aren't met...

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Frank Hart
Where is God when Violence Happens in Churches?

We want the world to make sense. If God allows a lunatic to walk into a church and murder people while they are worshiping Him—how can we continue to believe He is listening to our prayers, or that He exists at all? It shakes us to our core—we are horrified, saddened, and infuriated. We feel in the deepest ways possible how wrong this is.

We look around the crime scene and we wonder,

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Frank Hart
Should Christians Celebrate Halloween?

Demons, Ghosts, Vampires, and monsters of every kind will be walking in small packs around our neighborhoods on Halloween night.  How are we as Christians supposed to feel about this?  If we think it's "just good fun" are we being unfaithful?  Would it be better to forbid our children from ...

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Frank Hart
Saturday Night to Sunday Morning

In January 2015, eight separate people approached me about starting a new church. We prayed about it and in February we starting meeting on Saturday nights at the The Lab. There were about 25 of us, we sat in lawn chairs, I led the music by myself with an acoustic guitar and gave the first message. It was from Matthew 14 about Jesus walking on water—taking a leap of faith...

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Frank Hart Comment