How to Make Church Fun and Filled With Joy
Everyone says they want the Sunday church experience to be joyful as well as a meaningful part of their life. No one wants church to be boring, awkward, or devoid of practical relevance. People have lots of opinions on how to make this happen—about everything from the music, the seating, the length of the sermon and whether or not the Bible is read from the king's English.
All of those things probably matter to some degree or other but I'm gonna propose something that I think is far more important to the life of the church than any of those things.
I used to travel from town to town with a band playing concerts. Sometimes we would show up to a venue and be awestruck by the facility. The big professional stage with state of the art gear, plenty of room for a big audience—maybe it was an old theatre or a new auditorium. It was exciting to set up our instruments and do the soundcheck, getting everything ready for the show.
Then, when it was showtime—we'd peek our heads out from behind the curtain to get a glimpse of the crowd—and sometimes there'd just be a smattering of people. We'd still go out there and play our hearts out as long as there was at least one person but you have to know that playing to a full house is a heck of a lot more fun.
It's not only more fun for the band, it's more fun for the audience.
Now, don't misunderstand me—church isn't a concert—it's not about fun or entertainment or numbers. It is about getting together with God's people to worship Him and experience the comfort and challenge of gathering around His Word and promises, though. It's about singing and praying together with other believers.
When I started NewChurch in 2015 with a handful of people that wanted to worship God and love people along with me, I didn't know what the hardest part of doing this ministry was going to be. It turns out that the most difficult and heart-breaking thing about starting a church is when I peek my head out from behind the curtain and you're not there.
I miss you when you don't come. It's not the same without you. It matters whether you show up or not. Yes, you.
Writing this kinda goes against the unwritten rule in professional church-work that we're not supposed to even hint at negative ideas. Like, we're always supposed to spin things in the most positive way possible. Okay, fine, how's this:
I can't wait to see you all this Saturday night (for the Fantastical Amazingly Jesus Christmas Concert) and Sunday morning for our awesome weekly worship service. I'm also looking forward to being with my NewChurch spiritual family on Christmas Eve as we have an epic time celebrating the birth of Jesus together.
We have grown over the past (almost) three years, and we continue to grow (thanks be to GOD!) but what I want you to know is this—we all really miss you when you don't come to church. Other than Jesus—Who is the reason we get together in the first place—the most important person to the life of the church is you.