Sunday, Day of Mystery

On the Day of Pentecost the Holy Spirit fell on the believers and the church was born—the mission of the church was given power to go out into every tribe and tongue so the Gospel of Jesus Christ could be heard by every person in the world. We talked about how it was the beginning of the end and the end of the beginning. In other words, Christ has died, Christ is risen and Christ will come again. Has/Is/Will. Past/Present/Future.

Pentecost was on a Sunday. The Church was born on a Sunday. Jesus rose from the dead on a Sunday. This is why Christian worship happens on Sunday.

God’s people were commanded to observe the Sabbath by resting from their labor and worshiping on Saturday—the seventh day. It was a crime punishable by death to break the Sabbath. When Christians starting worshiping on Sunday instead of Saturday it was a big deal.

Sunday has become a mysterious day—not only for those of us who worship on Sunday, but for everyone. Technically, we know it’s the first day of the week—but it’s the first day of the week in the same way that a tomato is a fruit. No one really thinks of Sunday as the first day of the week. If I were to ask you what the second day of the week is, you would probably say Tuesday, right? It even sounds like the second day, “two for tuesday.” If I asked what the third day of the week is, almost anyone would say “wednesday.” Some calendars even start with monday. Sunday is a mysterious day, it’s the first and the last, it’s the first and the eighth day of the week. It’s the “Lord’s Day,” the day the Lord was raised from the dead and the day the church was also brought to new life. Anyway, I thought y’all might find that interesting. When we come together to worship on Sunday morning, we are both ending our week and beginning our week in the presence of God.

Please join us for worship each Sunday morning at 10:30am.
Bible study is at 9:15am.

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