5 Dumbest Reasons For Not Believing.

Not believing in what? God. Jesus. Duh.


If you ask most people whether or not they believe in God, they'll say they do—ranging from "Absolutely!" to "Sure, why not." 75% of Americans said they believe in God in a 2013 poll by UPI/Harris (down from 82% in 2009). Of the 25% who said they didn't believe, only 2% would go so far as to call themselves "atheists"—choosing to remain more unsure and ambivalent. 

People have many reasons for why they doubt God exists, here are five that I think are silly:

1. Christians are hypocrites—Christians say one thing and do another. Although this is absolutely true, it's not a reason to doubt God. Anyone you let get between you and God will be closer to God than you are. Believers don't claim to be "good people" or better than anyone else—that's not what the Bible says about us. All the examples of people in the Bible—every one of them—are no-good turkeys. From the first man, who watched his wife eat poison to see if it would really kill her, to the religious leaders who murdered God's Son—there's not a truly good person in the whole bunch. There's never been a truly good person—not you, and certainly not me.
This actually gives me hope that God's Word is true. If the Bible was a phony book written by people trying to trick us into believing it, they wouldn't have filled it with such deplorable characters. They would have given at least a few examples of good people to imitate. No, the fact that Christians continue to be hypocrites is proof FOR God, not against Him. People are the worst, always have been. The one exception is Jesus, and like I said, we killed Him. 

2. The Bible is filled with unreliable information—too many miracles and unscientific, superstitious nonsense. It's true that there are things in the Bible that are hard to believe—talking snake anyone? But think about this; the Bible is not a single book, it's a collection of 66 books that were written over the course of about 1,500 years by about 40 different people. Yet, there is a consistent narrative throughout that has held up to the fiercest examination of science, archeology and historical skepticism. There is a unity in message and purpose that defies logic—do you really think all the religious people throughout the ages would be able to agree to conspire in the creation of such a magnificent work? Hardly. Religious people can't agree on anything.
The historical, psychological, anthropological and scientific information is miraculously accurate—especially for such an ancient book. I'm not saying that people have always read the Bible accurately, and it has certainly been used by evil people to justify all kinds of wrong (see point number one) but there is no other book that has been proven true and reliable throughout the centuries and millennia like the Bible. It's God's Word, and believers know it's the most reliable information that exists—there is no other way to make sense out of reality.

3. The world would be a better place if people didn't believe in God. Under the general heading that "terrible things have been done in God's name" (see point number one) some people argue that we'd all be a lot better off if we stopped believing in Him. The problem with this view is that it does away with the only standard and foundation of "meaning." If life is a random act of naturalistic evolution, if all our thoughts and emotions are nothing more than chemical reactions and electrical impulses inside our head—if there is no design or purpose behind reality—then "love" is no more meaningful than "hate" or "hunger" or "pain." If God is not the standard of what is true, right and good—then there is no standard. Without God, life is meaningless, empty, and has no purpose.
I should probably point out that the most murderous, repressive regimes that have ever existed (Soviet, Red China, Nazi, Communist Cuba, etc.) were designed as self-consciously atheist—those are a glimpse into a world without belief.

4. Belief in God is illogical. Hmm, let's see, Christians would say that belief in God gives them the hope that life has purpose and death is not the end. They would also say that God's Word has laid out a perfectly sensible way to approach living that involves loving people and serving others. On the other hand, if there is no God, then life is chaos and pain leading to eventual death and darkness—there is no hope other than to enjoy it while it lasts. Pretty bleak. If Christians are wrong, they lose nothing—their life was full of love and meaning, and if it turns out that there is no God, then they'll die happy and hopeful—they won't even know they were ever wrong.
However, if the unbeliever is wrong, then their life is a frustrated, hopeless existence, and when they die, they stand before the God they had spent their life trying to ignore and according to the Bible, they are removed from His presence—do not enter paradise, do not collect $200, and go straight to Hell instead.
I would say it is far more logical to believe and have a happy and hopeful life followed by the possibility of a pleasant afterlife.

5. The world is full of pain and suffering. If there is a God, what kind of monster must He be to allow the world He created to be so filled with violence and evil. This seems like a good point, until you realize that everything we recognize as "evil" is defined as "sin" in the Bible. God hates pain, suffering, hatred, violence and death far more than we do—we're not nicer than God. He told us very clearly in His Word that He made the world "very good" and then mankind messed it up by introducing sin and rebellion—by introducing unbelief. I hate to break it to you, but the act of NOT BELIEVING is what caused all the dark things people want to blame on God (Who, according to them, isn't there.) 
We don't have enough information to be mad at God, we're like an amoeba judging the beauty of a ballet. 


P.S. Some people say they just don't see any evidence that God exists. I don't buy it. I see His fingerprints on everything. I think the burden for proof falls to the unbeliever—show me proof that God doesn't exist. If you can't, then isn't it far more sensible to begin living as though He does exist? Jesus is the proof that God exists, that He loves us, and He wants us to believe.

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