Choose a video from the dropdown list (top right) and Pastor Frank will help you make sense of that part of the Bible.
The Bible is daunting. If you want to understand it, where do you begin?
The “great theologian,” Blackie Lawless, lead singer of the metal band W.A.S.P. said this about the Bible: “People say that with The Bible, you're dealing with a book that was written by men. That may be true, but you're also dealing with sixty-six books written by forty different authors spread over two thousand years over three different continents, and most of these guys did not know each other, yet you see them finishing each other's sentences. It's impossible that any men could have written this without divine inspiration."
Join Pastor Frank as he carefully walks through the books of the Bible. He’ll show how the book fits in the overall story of salvation, how it points to Jesus, and what it means for all of us. How does it affect how you treat your family, how you do your job, how you approach your friends.
Pray that God’s Word changes you into who He wants you to be and leads you to the life, hope, and peace that’s only found in Jesus Christ.
Contact Pastor Frank if you have any questions.