Whatever you want—what you really, really want—matters. A lot. I'll also tell you the only cure for discontentment. You want to be happy and satisfied with your life? Well come on.
Read MoreOne big reason why our world is in the mess that it’s in is because we don’t trust anyone anymore. We don’t trust the media, we don’t trust the experts, we don’t trust our elected officials. The eighth commandment is “You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.” There's a lot wrapped up in this one. No lie.
Read MoreThis week we talk about how you're a big thief, and how Jesus stepped up and took the wrap for you. You really do need to read this.
Read MoreThis week we talk about the sexy commandment. Adultery. How to be a human being, it seems like too many people have forgotten.
Pastor Frank talks about all the times he's murdered people. It's a lot more than you might think. As a bonus, he'll also accuse you of terrible crimes and then offer you more grace than the world can stand.
Read MoreFirst, a really interesting story about road rage and shame. Then, a bunch of interesting thoughts about the full implications of what "honor your father and your mother" means in all the areas of our lives. Sometimes in order to honor people, we have to wrestle with them and push them a little closer to what honorable really looks like. Of course eventually we get to how Jesus turns this into something amazing for all of us. Seriously, this is a good one to listen to with your kids. Or your boss, but that might be weird.
Read MoreHow to make the most of your time. This is the third Commandment, it's also the Gospel.
Read MoreThe second commandment isn't so much about cursing and swearing, it's more about how we represent the name of the LORD. How we speak of God. We’re supposed to be the kind of people who fear and love God so much that His name sounds sweet on our lips. Lift up the name of the LORD, bless His holy name, give thanks to the LORD, for He is good, and His mercy endures forever.
Read MoreWhat gods do you like better than God? Continuing in our "How To Be A Human Being" series on the Ten Commandments. It's fun to have your mind blown, isn't it.
Read MoreThis is how to be a human being. You just have to believe what Jesus has said about you. He said you shall be a particular kind of person. You shall have no other Gods. He also said that you’re forgiven. Believe that. This is a message about “shalls” (and it’s probably not what you think).This is what a Christian life shall look like.
Read MoreThere's a lot of talk about racism these days. What does the Bible have to say about it? There is good news for you if you listen to wisdom and don't act like a fool, or a victim, or a villain. Be slow to speak, quick to listen, and slow to get angry.
Read MoreTransitions and how to navigate them. The world will tell you otherwise, but this book is sufficient. All the wisdom and hope you will ever need is found here.
Read MorePentecost was weird but it's part of your story now if you're a follower of Jesus. There's a way to live that leads to life and a bunch of ways that lead to death. Everyone who calls on the name of the LORD will be saved.
Read MoreIt was just two months ago. Seems like a lifetime. We started walking into the unknown and we’re still walking. These are strange and dark days.
Read MoreWe have to love each other. I know, you think you already know that. But you need to love people even if people don’t love you back. And they’re not going to love you back. The world isn’t going to love you back. The world is going to hate you. It hated Jesus. Killed Him. Gotta love anyway.
Read MoreThese are some of the ways that God is like a mother. These are some of the ways that a mother is supposed to be like God. But these are also some of the ways we’re all supposed to understand how to treat each other.
Read MoreThe church is being tested. We must pass the test.
Read MoreThis COVID19 time-out that most people are doing right now is putting a lot of strange pressure on families. The most important gift we can give each other in this bizarro C19 world is to show some grace. This message is a timely look at Cain, Abel, and the importance of confession and absolution.
Read MoreThe 2nd Sunday in Easter. How are Christians supposed to respond to government according to the Bible? It's an important question these days. But more importantly—Christ is still risen!
Read MoreBehold! We walk through the resurrection accounts and find out that not only is it the story of Jesus rising from the dead—it's your story now, too. Which means there's nothing to be afraid of anymore. That seems like good news.
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