How to Be a Human Being - Lies and Truth

One big reason why our world is in the mess that it’s in is because we don’t trust anyone anymore. We don’t trust the media, we don’t trust the experts, we don’t trust our elected officials. The eighth commandment is “You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.” There's a lot wrapped up in this one. No lie.

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How to Be a Human Being - Honoring the Dishonorable

First, a really interesting story about road rage and shame. Then, a bunch of interesting thoughts about the full implications of what "honor your father and your mother" means in all the areas of our lives. Sometimes in order to honor people, we have to wrestle with them and push them a little closer to what honorable really looks like. Of course eventually we get to how Jesus turns this into something amazing for all of us. Seriously, this is a good one to listen to with your kids. Or your boss, but that might be weird.

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How to Be a Human Being - OMG!

The second commandment isn't so much about cursing and swearing, it's more about how we represent the name of the LORD. How we speak of God. We’re supposed to be the kind of people who fear and love God so much that His name sounds sweet on our lips. Lift up the name of the LORD, bless His holy name, give thanks to the LORD, for He is good, and His mercy endures forever.

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Keep Worship Weird

Pentecost was weird but it's part of your story now if you're a follower of Jesus. There's a way to live that leads to life and a bunch of ways that lead to death. Everyone who calls on the name of the LORD will be saved.

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Jesus Has Overcome the World For You

We have to love each other. I know, you think you already know that. But you need to love people even if people don’t love you back. And they’re not going to love you back. The world isn’t going to love you back. The world is going to hate you. It hated Jesus. Killed Him. Gotta love anyway.

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Your Family Dynamics in COVID

This COVID19 time-out that most people are doing right now is putting a lot of strange pressure on families. The most important gift we can give each other in this bizarro C19 world is to show some grace. This message is a timely look at Cain, Abel, and the importance of confession and absolution.

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Easter is Your Story Now

Behold! We walk through the resurrection accounts and find out that not only is it the story of Jesus rising from the dead—it's your story now, too. Which means there's nothing to be afraid of anymore. That seems like good news.

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