"The Cure For Discontentment"

Christmas seems to start earlier every year. When I was a kid, we put up the tree and lights right after Thanksgiving—that’s still what we do at our house. Most of the department stores would wait until after Thanksgiving to deck out with tinsel and fake snow, too. But even back then, the most important holiday decoration showed up at the end of October. You know what I’m talking about—if you were a child in the 70s, you do. The Sears Christmas Wishbook. Remember that? When it showed up, that was the moment that truly kicked off our festive imaginations. It was a 600 page, full color catalog that showcased the most exciting offerings for the year. Printed by elves, shipped directly from the North Pole to the Sears mailroom and then sent to every home in the country. I can’t imagine what that must have cost—obviously not as much as it cost all the mom and dads. Did your parents encourage you to look through it and circle gift ideas? Things you wanted? Man, that was fun. I’m trying to imagine my mom and dad going page by page through that enormous book, carefully looking for what their five boys circled in crayon, different colors for each of us.

Six Million Dollar Man action figure, Evel Knievel Stunt Cycle, Rock ‘Em Sock ‘Em Robots, a Daisy BB Gun—all things that I circled and then found wrapped under the tree. And, no,  I did not shoot my eye out.

These days it’s more about Amazon wishlists and shared Google docs, where everybody meticulously curates their demands like they’re hiring personal shoppers, complete with hyperlinks, reviews, and price comparisons—leaving nothing to chance, not even Grandma’s tech skills.

Some people just bypass the whole thing by giving gift certificates—which are kind of funny if you think about it. My favorite comedian, Mitch Hedberg said, “A gift certificate is kinda like a really bad gift... 'Cause it's like, here's $20 that used to be good everywhere but now you can't spend anywhere but this one place.'"

I still like gift certificates though. I like to give them, too. The only bad thing is if you don’t use it right away and the place goes out of business. That Sears gift card is a little inconvenient these days, since the nearest store is in El Paso.

Do you think it might be a symptom of something being a bit off in our culture that we start celebrating Christmas so early and pretty much skip right over Thanksgiving? That we’re so interested in the holiday of getting more stuff, that we don’t want to slow down and take the time to be thankful for the stuff we already have? That can’t be healthy, you know? It’s not good for us.

I think we can all feel it in our culture—just a general sense of “meh.” 19% of U.S. adults and 36% of young adults are experiencing and being treated for anxiety disorders and depression according to the National Institute of Mental Health, the CDC, the American Medical Association, American Psychiatric Association—pretty much anyone paying attention.

We live in one of the most prosperous nations and cultures in history. By almost any measure—economic wealth, technological advancement, standard of living—we enjoy opportunities and conveniences that kings and emperors of the past couldn’t have dreamed of. We live in a time and place where access to food, shelter, medical care, and education is more widespread than in nearly any other era or region of the world. We have personal freedoms of expression and opinions, the freedom to worship or not worship, that previous generations and other cultures wouldn’t think was possible. We have the knowledge of every civilization that has ever existed literally at our fingertips—that phone in your pocket can answer almost any question you could possibly think of. 

And yet, we’re not happy. What the heck? What’s it going to take? So many of us are just aching with discontentment.

I think the answer is to slow down, tap the brakes on that Christmas wishlist, and dig deeper into Thanksgiving. Actual Thanksgiving, not just turkey, mashed potatoes, and cranlog. 

The only answer to discontentment is to be thankful.

So, how can we walk into Thanksgiving with hearts full of gratitude rather than anxiety or dread?

Some of us might be a little apprehensive about that Thanksgiving get together because in spite of everyone’s best intentions, there’s likely to be a big serving of awkward sauce when we sit down at the table. God’s word gives us really clear direction… 

Philippians 2:3-8 says,

“Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves. Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others. Have this mind among yourselves, which is yours in Christ Jesus, who, though he was in the form of God, did not count equality with God a thing to be grasped, but emptied himself, by taking the form of a servant, being born in the likeness of men. And being found in human form, he humbled himself by becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross.”

You may not be aware but there was a big election recently. Some people are really happy about the way it turned out, and other people not so much. There’s probably going to be both of those people represented as you’re passing the dinner rolls. What are you going to do if someone says something you don’t like?

Humility and selflessness are not easy—but are you going to be a Jesus follower or not?

Someone mentions Trump or Harris or Hitler, you feel your blood pressure start to rise… 

Take a deep breath (not so deep that everyone thinks you’re getting ready to make a speech) and remember what God just told us in this passage of Scripture, basically: Don’t be a selfish jerk, in humility consider the other people at the table more important than you are. Empty yourself of that little fit you were about to throw. Humble yourself. For the love of the people at the table, especially the idiot who thought it was a good idea to argue about politics at Thanksgiving, let it die. Take another sip of your adult beverage and try to remember how thankful you are to share this meal with friends and family in a country where it’s even possible to have different political opinions.

When is it a good idea to blast people with your selfish need to say your opinion? Let’s see, “Do nothing from selfish ambition or vain conceit”—so never. When are you supposed to look out for your own needs and interests at the expense of other people? Once again, never. It won’t be easy but it will be better—for you, and for everyone else.

Trust that God knows what He’s talking about. He’s the One who told us to respond this way.

We all love to quote the verse that says, “We know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.” We love the part about things turning out for the good but we don’t always remember the part about being called according to His purpose. He calls us to be a certain way—act a certain way. To treat each other with kindness and patience. To exercise self-control in the way we act toward each other. When we do that, God says it will work out gooder than if we do it our own way.

Doesn’t mean it will be easy. That’s why in Galatians 6:9 He has to encourage us to,

“Not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up.”

When the pumpkin pie is finally being passed around and immigration has been brought up nine times, you might be tempted to spray the whipped cream in someone’s face but be not weary of well-doing! There will be a sweet reward for those who endure to the end—something better than dessert. 

What do you think having an ugly conversation at a holiday meal is going to accomplish? Nothing good.

Try to keep your mind on what you’re thankful for. Sitting around that table is a visual poem that would make your heart swell with gratitude if you let it. Food cooked with thoughtful care, the smell of turkey and cinnamon. You’re looking in the eyes of people you love. There are people missing from the table—which is sad but also you’re so thankful to have had them in your life. It’s not a table of perfect people or perfect lives but these are your people, this is your life. These are the ones who know you for all your faults and love you anyway. There’s a lot to be thankful for.

1st Thessalonians 5:16-18 says,

“Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.” 

That sounds right, doesn’t it? When should we be thankful? When should we rejoice? Always. Especially on Thanksgiving. When should we pray? Well, without ceasing, always—but especially on Thanksgiving. Most people, even the ones who don’t normally “give thanks” before meals, pray on Thanksgiving. 

This might not be the happiest Thanksgiving you’ve ever had—things might be really hard right now. I know some of us are facing difficult things. But whatever circumstances you’re going through, God says that’s the perfect time to give thanks. It’s actually the only thing that can make things better. All those anxious thoughts and depressing situations—the cure for all of them is to be thankful anyway. How? How can we do that?

Worship God. Love people. Those are always the starting places.

Psalm 100:4 says to,

“Enter His gates with thanksgiving and His courts with praise! Give thanks to Him; bless His name!”

It’s something we have to make ourselves do. It’s a discipline. You’re a disciple. 

How is it possible? How can we do it? Once again, God tells us in His word…

Colossians 3:15-17 says this,

“And let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, to which indeed you were called in one body. And be thankful. Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in your hearts to God. And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.”

Sounds like church doesn’t it? What we do here in worship. We come here to focus on Jesus, let His word dwell in us, wash over us, fill us with wisdom and grace. There’s teaching from the word of God. Reminding each other about what God wants us to do, and what He’s done for us—Law and Gospel. We sing together! Songs that are prayers. Songs that help us remember truth. Songs that help us feel God’s love and kindness toward us. Songs that help us express our love and gratitude to Him. 

And look at all those reminders to be thankful, it’s like it must be important or something: Be thankful, with thankfulness in your hearts to God, giving thanks to God the Father through Christ the Son. 

It starts here, when we come together to respond to all He’s done for us with thankful hearts and minds. But it doesn’t end here. It’s a lifestyle. We carry thanksgiving out those doors everywhere we go and to everyone we meet. All day, every day.

That’s the only way the peace of Christ is going to rule in our hearts. By being thankful. It’s the only cure for discontentment. It’s the only cure for apathy. It’s the only cure for anxiety and non-clinical depression. Thankfulness.

The turkey might be a little dry this year. The mashed potatoes a little lumpy. Maybe the rolls are burnt and the pecan pie isn’t like grandma used to make. You could sit there disappointed or, what if you chose to be thankful instead? Everything might taste a little sweeter—a lot more satisfying. The drone of dull conversation, if appreciated with a grateful heart, might  become the soundtrack of some beautiful memories in the making. The awkward silences might turn into moments of reflection, something you’ll smile about later—like the story of the burnt rolls that set off the smoke alarm.

These truths from God’s word are backed up by modern science. Neurological studies have shown that making lists of things we’re thankful for, either by journaling or praying, can lead to structural and functional changes in the brain. In other words, just like God said, thankfulness is the cure for so much that puts us in the dumps.

Try this: When you start to feel anxious, or sad, or depressed. When you just have a general sense of “meh.” Gloom. Boredom. Discontentment. Do this little trick: start thanking God for whatever comes to mind. Thank God For Ten Minutes Big things. Little things. People. How He’s provided. For salvation and hope. Anything you’re thankful for. Do it for at least ten minutes. Don’t turn anything into a prayer request. Like, “God, I’m so thankful for so and so… but please help them to stop being such a total…” Or, “Thank you for my dad, would you please heal him…?” This isn't the time for prayer requests. Just thanksgivings! After about ten minutes, you’ll actually change the neural pathways and chemistry of your brain. God made you a wonderfully complex creature!

It never ceases to amaze me how He gave us all these instructions for how to live an abundant, meaningful life in His word. We ignore what He told us at the risk of making a mess out of everything we do—or say, or think. 

It’s like, we read the instructions: “Turkey should be cooked at 325°F until it reaches an internal temperature of 165°.” And then we’re like, “Nah, I think it’ll be fine if I just nuke it frozen in the microwave for twenty minutes.” And if you’re going to try something like that this Thursday, remind me to bring a backup pizza. 

Isn’t this pretty much what we do, though? God gives us clear directions in His word, but we’re like, “Eh. I’ll just wing it.” Then we wonder why our life is half-baked and hard around the edges. 

The Bible isn’t just an instruction manual for how to understand reality and do life—that’s not all it is—but it is AT LEAST that. The word of God is alive and active, it’s not wise to ignore it.

So here we are—another Thanksgiving. The tree isn’t up yet, and we’re not flipping through the Sears Wish Book anymore. But the need to slow down and focus on Thanksgiving is more important than ever. The symptoms of our culture’s dysfunction are clearer than ever. Because as much as we try to "wing it" in life, burning the metaphorical rolls and serving up our own microwaved pride and self-interest, God stepped into our kitchen disaster to clean up the mess. He didn’t leave us fumbling through our disasters alone.

Jesus Christ, the Son of God, humbled Himself. He didn’t just leave the glory of heaven to walk among us—He also emptied Himself completely. He came as a man, a servant, born to live the perfect life we couldn’t, and died the wretched death we deserved. He gave His own life, so we could have forgiveness, hope, and eternal life. That’s the Gospel. That’s the ultimate reason for us to have unlimited gratitude.

Even when life feels hard or broken, even when relationships are strained or the turkey’s dry—no matter what’s going on—you still have so much to be thankful for. Why? Because Jesus is your reason for joy in every circumstance. He is the cure for discontentment, anxiety, and hopelessness. He doesn’t just tell you to be thankful—He gives you every reason to be.

So, this Thanksgiving, as you pass the sweet potatoes or endure awkward political debates, let the peace of Christ rule in your heart. Give thanks, not because everything is perfect, but because He is—and He’s given Himself for you to make you perfectly right with God. 

Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly as you try to keep peace at the table—do it in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him.

Let’s not just make it through another Thanksgiving; let’s truly give thanks. AMEN

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