First it must be said that Christians believe that everything is owned by God in the first place, and that we are simply managers of his resources, called to direct them toward that which aligns with his will. (Psalm 24:1)

Secondly, Christians trust that God has generously given us His son, Jesus, and through Him has already met our deepest needs.

In light of these truths Jesus himself makes it clear to his followers that spirituality and generosity are inseparable. (Luke 6:38)

Likewise God has ordered the world in such a way that He works through the sacrifice and generosity of His people to meet the needs of others and, in particular, to fuel the mission of His church.

When such spiritually connected generosity gets lived out the end results are beautiful. Entire communities are blessed, the local church is well equipped, and the Chrsitian giver glorifies God who delights in our willingness to give toward the nees of others and to depend deeply upon Him. (2 Cor. 9-7;Malachi 3:10) 


For thousands of years Christians have talked about two ways to give within the local church. The first is a "tithe" and the other is an "offering."

TITHE is an ancient word which simply means, "tenth" reflecting the belief that giving should be proportionate to what God has entrusted us with, that it should be planned, and that it should be offered consistently. At NewChurch we encourage households to grow into the "90/10" principle, living off of 90% of what God has entrusted to you and tithing back 10% toward the life of the local church.

OFFERINGS are gifts given specifically, over-and-above a tithe, to special projects or endeavors. An example of an offering would be a gift given to a local charity as an expression of your faith, or an over-and-above gift designated for a special campaign or new ministry effort within your NewChurch parish.