All Positions:
Sign up for as many things as you have interest for.
Twice a year (?) we will have a SERVING SCRAMBLE and allow everyone to jump out of their current role and into another role (if they want).
Each area only needs a certain number of people, so leaders will organize as they think necessary.
Sign up for areas that you are currently serving in, we need to see who we are right now.
ON STAGE (Leader: Frank)
Time Commitment: Saturday during service
Requirements: Confident Reading Voice
Responsibilities: Practice reading, public performance of Bible reading.
Time Commitment: Saturday during service
Requirements: Confident Stage Presence
Responsibilities: Practice reading/speaking, public performance of ChurchBiz
Announcements, Offering, Prayer.
Choir (Leader: Celia Peterson)
Time Commitment: Saturday 4:30 rehearsal, 6 PM service, once or twice a month.
Requirements: Desire to sing, able to stand on riser or floor.
Responsibilities: Practice singing during the week with MP3s, rehearse with band on Saturday, sing joyfully and blend with other singers.
Time Commitment: Half hour before and after service
Requirements: Friendly, desire to meet and help people.
Responsibilities: Greet people as they arrive, answer questions, make them feel welcome.
Help Desk
Time Commitment: Half hour before and after service
Requirements: Friendly, knows how to find answers, helpful.
Responsibilities: Setup and operate help desk. Help with YoungOnes’ Children Check-in.
Stephen Minister (Leader: Cyndy Thompson)
Time Commitment: On call as needed.
Requirements: SM training, empathy, desire to help people.
Responsibilities: Listen to people, pray with them, and help them through difficult situations.
Prayer Team
Time Commitment: Saturday after service
Requirements: Desire to pray with people
Responsibilities: Available after service to pray with anyone who needs prayer.
Brute Squad (Leader: Jeff Hagerlin & Ed Peterson)
Setup/Teardown (Brute Squad)
Time Commitment: Saturday 3:00 - 4:00 and 7:45 - 8:30
Requirements: Strong back. Arms.
Responsibilities: Unload equipment. Setup Stage, Pipe & Drape, Signage
Pack up after the service
Time Commitment: Saturday 4:00 - 5:00 and 7:45 - 8:30
Requirements: Strong back. Arms.
Responsibilities: Bring chairs in from trailer, Set up chairs, tear down chairs, put back in trailer.
TECH TEAM (Leader: Ryan Birsinger)
Time Commitment: Saturday 3:00 - 8:30
Requirements: Experienced FOH sound engineer
Responsibilities: Setup and troubleshoot system, soundcheck, rehearsal, service, put everything away.
Time Commitment: Saturday 5:00 - 7:45
Requirements: Interest in stage lighting.
Responsibilities: Program lights for service, run lightboard.
Time Commitment: Saturday 3:00 - 8:00
Requirements: Desire to run media, computer slides, lyrics, videos.
Responsibilities: Setup and troubleshoot screens, run screens for rehearsal and service.
Video Live Stream
Time Commitment: Saturday 5:00 - 8:00
Requirements: Desire to work with video, cameras and live streaming.
Responsibilities: Setup and troubleshoot camera/streaming gear, make sure sound and image are captured and streamed as well as possible.
CHILDREN MINISTRY (Leader: Rachel Ryder)
Childcare (1 - 3)
Time Commitment: @30 minutes during Service Message time
Requirements: Desire to work with young children. Ability to pass a criminal background check.
Responsibilities: Supervise and engage with children 1-3 years old, spray toys at end of night with disinfectant and put all toys back in bin. (No diaper-changing involved)
YoungOnes TEACHER (3 yrs - 4th Grade)
Time Commitment: Up to 30 minutes to review and prepare for the lesson prior to Saturday night; Sat 6:30 @30 minutes during Service Message time
Requirements: Desire to lead and work with young children. Ability to pass a criminal background check.
Responsibilities: Review lesson prior to Sat night (plan is provided), Teach the material, take leadership of the group, supervise and teach children.
YoungOnes HELPER (3 yrs - 4th Grade)
Time Commitment: Sat night 6:30 @30 minutes during Service Message time
Requirements: Desire to lead and work with young children. Ability to pass a criminal background check.
Responsibilities: Help the teacher with the lesson and leading of the group, help the smaller children and direct the older children, supervise and teach children.
YoungOnes TEACHER (5th - 8th Grade)
Time Commitment: Up to 30 minutes to review and prepare for the lesson prior to Saturday night; Sat 6:30 @30 minutes during Service Message time
Requirements: Desire to lead and work with middle school- junior high students. Ability to pass a criminal background check.
Responsibilities: Review lesson prior to Sat night (plan is provided), Teach the material, take leadership of the group, supervise and teach students.
YoungOnes HELPER (5th - 8th Grade)
Time Commitment: Sat 6:30 @30 minutes during Service Message time
Requirements: Desire to lead and work with middle school- junior high students. Ability to pass a criminal background check.
Responsibilities: Help the teacher with the lesson and leading of the group, help and direct the students, supervise and teach students.
YOUTH MINISTRY (Leader: Heath Behmer)
Teen YouthGroup (Leader: Heath Behmer)
Time Commitment:
Requirements: Ability to pass a criminal background check.
Confirmation Classes (Leader: Heath Behmer)
Time Commitment:
Requirements: Ability to pass a criminal background check.
HANGTIME (Leader: Holly Smith)
HangTime Food Organization (Leader: Holly Smith)
Time Commitment: Saturday 5:30 - 8:45
Requirements: Desire to help people eat and drink to the glory of God.
Responsibilities: Organize HangTime potluck food and beverages.
Time Commitment: Saturday 5:30-8:45 (varies depending on pre- or post-service helping
Requirements: Desire to help people eat and drink to the glory of God.
Responsibilities: Assist in organizing HangTime food, helping people feel welcome, assisting leader in this area
Cleanup Food Area
Time Commitment: 8:30-9 Saturday nights
Requirements: Desire to help by cleaning up the food areas.
Responsibilities: Wash any dishes that belong to the Lab, clean up trash or food from kitchen, take out trash.
SOCIAL MEDIA (Leader: Bryan Hill)
Live tweeting/FB/Google Plus commentary (Leader: Sherry)
Time Commitment: During Service
Requirements: Desire to engage the community in what is happening at NewChurch. Smartphone/gadget
Responsibilities: Post interesting quotes or observations as they happen.
Facebook group posting during week
Time Commitment: Spare time during the week.
Requirements: Desire to keep people connected between services. Smartphone/gadget/computer
Responsibilities: Post and engage with people through the NewChurch FB Group.
Time Commitment: Spare time during the week.
Requirements: Desire to Tweet as NewChurch to engage the world for Jesus. Smartphone/gadget/computer.
Responsibilities: Post as NewChurch, build a following, message quotes, news, etc.
Time Commitment: A couple hours a week.
Requirements: Knowledge of website maintenance, design.
Responsibilities: Keep up to date and fresh.
Time Commitment: Spare time
Requirements: Desire to share photos of NewChurch events and services on Instagram. Smartphone/gadget/computer
Responsibilities: Post interesting photos and images on Instagram.
Time Commitment: A couple hours a week.
Requirements: Desire to share photos of NewChurch events and services on Pinterest. Smartphone/gadget/computer
Responsibilities: Post interesting photos and images on Pinterest.
Google Plus
Time Commitment: A couple hours a week.
Requirements: Desire to share photos of NewChurch events and services on Google Plus, and engage Google Plus Community. Smartphone/gadget/computer
Responsibilities: Post interesting photos and images on Pinterest.
Time Commitment: A couple hours a week.
Requirements: Desire to share videos of NewChurch songs, messages, highlights, etc. Engage with YouTube audience. Smartphone/gadget/computer
Responsibilities: Edit and post videos on YouTube.
Podcast (Leader: John Foster)
Time Commitment: A couple hours a week.
Requirements: Desire to help with podcast. Some knowledge of audio editing, and internet. Smartphone/gadget/computer
Responsibilities: Edit and upload audio for podcast.
DISCIPLESHIP (Leader: Kemper Crabb)
Bible Study (Leader: Kemper Crabb)
Time Commitment: Four or five hours a week.
Requirements: Desire, talent and knowledge to teach a Bible study.
Responsibilities: Prepare lessons. Teach lessons.
Home Groups (Leader: Kemper Crabb)
Time Commitment: Four or five hours a week.
Requirements: Desire, talent and knowledge to facilitate a Bible study or discipleship huddle in your home or another location.
Responsibilities: Organize and facilitate weekly meetings.
Time Commitment: Two or three hours a week.
Requirements: Desire to help Kemper organize Bible studies and Home Groups.
Responsibilities: Organize communication, facilities, handouts, books, and schedule for Bible studies and Home Groups.
Time Commitment: As needed
Requirements: Desire, talent and knowledge to organize events outside of normal Saturday worship.
Responsibilities: Logistics and communication for community events.
ADMIN (Leader: Rachel Ryder, Jay Chisler helping)
Data management (metrics, etc)
Create/Print Bulletin