Luke 22:21-34 "Disciple Troubles"

"This is going to be a good reminder that God didn’t call any of us to follow Jesus because He thought we’d be so dang good at it." "What does it mean that they’ll sit on thrones judging the twelve tribes of Israel?" "It’s a lot easier to die for someone than to live for them—it’s in the little moments when our love is actually put to the test." "Also, mom and dad, apply this at home—don’t hide your sin from your kids. Don’t pretend like everything is perfect—they will eventually find out, and it’s going to be bad if they think you’ve been lying to them. Show them what it looks like to confess and repent."

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Luke 22:7-20 "Last Supper First Communion"

If you've ever wondered what the big deal about Communion is... This is how Jesus saves the world with bread and wine. "The God who spoke the universe into existence is the One who said, “This bread is my body given for you. This cup poured out for you is the new covenant in my blood.” Is my body, is my blood. Is means is. We take Jesus at His word. It's a miracle. It’s a mystery." The blood of the Passover Lamb has to be applied if the person is going to be saved—this is how Jesus makes His body and blood present to save His people. When you eat the bread and drink the wine, Jesus has made this miracle so you also receive His body and blood. It’s how grace is given to you. It’s how forgiveness of sin is applied to you. 'Not symbolically. It happens miraculously. It happens for real. We call it “Real Presence.” Because Jesus has spoken, it’s as real as the blood that was on the door frames of those houses in the first Passover. We make no attempt to explain how it happens. It’s not transubstantiation, it’s not consubstantiation, it’s not symbolic, not a memorial. It just is. We take Jesus at His word. Would you rather it was actual cannibalism? Of course not. Embrace the mystery.' "The Last Supper is really four meals layered on top of each other. It’s the last Old Testament Passover meal. It’s the first New Testament Lord’s Supper. It’s what every Holy Communion celebrated throughout the church looks back to in remembrance. And it’s a glimpse of the future heavenly feast at the end of time when Christ returns in glory and we all sit down to the Marriage Supper of the Lamb." "The gift of His body and blood—given for us on the cross, and given to us in the bread and wine." "To partake in this meal, to accept the cup and drink it is to accept Jesus’ suffering and death as the atoning sacrifice for your sins. Not automatically, there has to be faith, has to be trust—you have to believe the promise Jesus made to you, that it’s for you. But it doesn’t take much faith—just enough to lift that bread to your mouth and the wine to your lips—the smallest amount will do."

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1st Week at AGR—"Something New"

“What’s the point of this (New)Church thing? Why does it matter?” " I want to propose something completely nuts. Something totally off-menu.” "Every church thinks they have the corner on the truth, like they’re the only ones who really know Jesus. Can we not be like that, please?" "It’s so sad to me when someone says, “Nah, I already tried that Jesus thing and it didn’t work for me. I went to church for a while. Wasn’t my thing.” "They met some church people but they didn’t meet Jesus. I don’t want that to happen here. Can we make sure that doesn’t happen here?" "No one follows Jesus alone." "As the church goes, so goes our culture. And for many people, church has already gone." "Your faith doesn’t really become your own until you share it with someone else. You have to share your faith. And you have to let people share their faith with you." "This is the vision of NewChurch. A way to worship God and love people. I hope you’re starting to see it."

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Luke 22:1-6 "Satan Entered Judas"

"One of Jesus’ Twelve disciples is bodily possessed by Satan himself. How in the world did that happen? How can a follower of Jesus be possessed by the devil?" "When we give in to the same temptations, doing the same sins—habitual sins—we invite demons as sure as leaving food outside attracts flies. " "Giving in to your favorite sins is like putting handles on your soul so the devil can really get a good grip on you." "I don’t want you to doubt your salvation. There’s a big difference between giving into temptation followed by repentance—and deliberately continuing to embrace sin. The life of a Christian is a life of being sorry for your sin and returning to grace. But it’s not trying to hide your sin, cover it up and trying to get away with it. If you confess your sin, Jesus is always faithful to forgive." "I don’t know what your favorite sins are but I know you need to confess them, say what they are, admit to them, turn away from them, and return to the promise of God’s grace, mercy, and forgiveness.”

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Luke 21:34-38 "The End of the World pt 2"

Are we looking forward to that day? Or dreading it—the end of the world? "The only ones who are going to be delivered from the wrath of God at the end of the world are the people who trust in Jesus to save them." "How can we talk about how good God is, how God is love, if He’s going to be like that? What’s so good about a God who destroys the wicked?" "If we think God’s judgment of the world is immoral, if we think it’s not good—then what are we saying? That we’d rather that evil triumphs?" "I would make a terrible god." "What is it that if it was taken away, you’d think it was the end of the world?"

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Luke 21:5-32 "The End of the World pt 1"

It’s going to be cataclysmic. Horrifying. Nightmarish. This is why Jesus told us in advance. When the obvious end of the world starts to happen, everything is going completely bonkers, and you see Jesus coming down from heaven—try to remember what He told us to do. It’s just three simple things: Stand up straight, raise your heads and look at Him, and thank God your salvation is here! Can you remember that? It’s going to be counterintuitive. When the most frightening thing in the history of the world happens, Jesus says you don’t have anything to be afraid of. "It’s going to be obvious to every single person who is alive on the earth. This is the end of the world and no one will mistake it for anything else. It’s not a secret rapture of the believers with everyone wondering where all the people went." "Don’t give up. Don’t think, “Oh, it’s been too long. He’s not coming back.” "if they’re going to hate you, make sure it’s actually because of how much you’re like Jesus, not how much you’re not like Him."

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Luke 20:41 - 21:4 "There's No One Like Jesus"

If Jesus is who He says He is, then everyone has a tough decision to make. He's either God, or a liar, or He's crazy. The one thing He can't be is a nice guy who said nice things. * This message is a not-so-subtle attempt to blow your mind about how awesome and unique Jesus actually is. It also includes a strong warning to beware of toxic Christians and not to let them chase you away from Jesus.

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Luke 20:19-37 "How To Argue Like Jesus"

If you argue with someone, who usually gets mad first? You or them? Why do we get mad when we argue? Are we surprised someone has different opinions than we do? Why do we think it’s okay to get mad just because they get mad at us? Today Jesus is going to get into some arguments. Let’s pay attention to how He handles Himself.

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Luke 20:9-18 "The Vineyard"

"What was your part in making things bad? Don’t look around trying to find someone else to blame. Confess. Repent. Repentance is God’s kindness. It’s His idea, He wants to forgive you, it’s what He came to do. God is infinitely more patient with you than you will ever be of yourself."

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Luke 19:41-48 "Jesus Gets Emotional"

It’s fine to have emotions, it’s part of what makes us human. But we can’t let those emotions control our behavior. In this lesson, Jesus goes from extreme happiness, to utter sadness, to furious anger. All in 24 hours. What can we learn about how we should deal with our emotions?

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Luke 19:28-40 "Drawing Near"

"Don't tell me what to do!" Jesus could have come riding in on a war horse, in a chariot, driving a tank—guns blazing and mowing down anyone who tried to stop Him with flame throwers. Could have had an army of angels clear the path. But He came in humility to bring peace. We need to be doing the same thing.

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Luke 19:11-27 "Ten Minas"

Did Jesus actually say about the Gospel, "Use it or lose it!" What are the "minas?" Is this parable the same as the parable of the Talents? (It's not) It's also not about money. The Gospel in this parable is so unfair it's not funny. (But that's not to say nothing is funny.)

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Luke 18:35-19:10 "Seeing Jesus"

You can’t earn salvation. Jesus earned it for you. But you can try to live up to it. God’s name is holy, and He puts His name on you. You can’t earn it, but you can try to keep His name holy now that it’s on you. It’s about being someone people can count on. About being someone who does what's right, even when it's hard.  God has put His holy name on you. Now what? How are you going to keep it holy? How are you going to live up to it?

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Luke 18:31-34 "The Gospel According To Jesus"

There are a lot of things we think we understand before we actually experience them, then we find out we had no idea. How many things have you heard over and over but they never sank in? Important things—like the Gospel. You might want to share this one with someone who needs to hear the Gospel, someone who is struggling to believe. This is the Gospel according to Jesus.

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Luke 18:18-30 "Can The Rich Be Saved?"

Sometimes, if we want to live, we have to give up something that’s killing us. We’ll almost never want to do it. Jesus says this is why it's impossible for rich people to enter the kingdom of God.  Everything we have must be put under His Lordship. Every single thing. The question is always: Lord, what do You want me to do with this all this stuff You’ve given me? He will tell you. But you probably won’t like His answer—not at first. The things you possess will try to possess you.  There is good news for rich people but you'll have to listen to what Jesus says to hear it.

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Luke 18:9-14 "Pride"

The Pharisee and The Tax Collector like you've never heard it. A pretty good case can be made they went to the temple to pray on The Day of Atonement—which changes everything you thought you knew about this parable. Also, what's the deal with the rainbow text? (You might be surprised.)

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Luke 18:1-8 "How To Pray"

Jesus teaches how to pray for what you want and never lose heart. Seems like an important thing to pay attention to. What if God isn't going to do anything until you ask? In this teaching, Pastor Frank gives at least 17 important clues on how to pray so God will answer you. Don't bother listening.

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