Luke 12:13-21 "Value of Possessions"

Your worth isn’t about how much money you have—or don’t have. Your worth is completely dependent on how valuable you are to God. VW Vans and awesome black metal buildings. Trust in Jesus, that He highly values you, that with Him all things are possible (even for you) and be rich toward God.

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Luke 11:14-26 "A House Divided"

It will become all one thing, or all the other. There are no neutral bystanders when it comes to Jesus. We’re on dangerous ground when we stand outside the church and say what Jesus does in here is evil. Saying the work of Jesus when His people gather is the work of the devil. It is really close to committing the unforgivable sin. You are either in the kingdom of heaven or you’re not. You have Christ in you or you don’t. You are in the house of God or you are not. Also, a solid explanation of what baptism means.

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Luke 9:28-36 "Mountaintops"

About eight days after Jesus asked who the disciples thought He was. They got the answer right but now it’s being verified by Moses, Elijah, the Law and the Prophets—and God the Father Himself. The Transfiguration.

It’s always a hard climb to the mountaintops. Pain before glory. It’s a hard climb back down, too. We have to remember the brightness of the mountaintops to give us hope through all those valleys and dark places.

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Luke 9:18-27 "Christ and Your Cross"

Jesus says follow Him instead of your heart. Look to Him instead of inside yourself. You don’t “do you,” you deny you. You crucify you. Everyone who follows Jesus has to deny themselves, take up their cross, lay down their life—kill it. Lose it. It’s the only way they’ll be able to save their life. What the heck does all that mean? This is what it means to follow Jesus. To be Christian you have to crucify yourself. All those passions and desires have to die. Your sin has to die. Your sins aren’t going to drag you to hell anymore because Jesus forgives you and died for them but if you keep doing them, you’re going to drag hell into your life now.

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Luke 9:10--17 "Five Fish Tacos"

It seems to me when God blesses something for His use, the first thing He always does is break it. When you take your plans to Him and ask Him to bless them—get ready. The first thing He’s going to do is break them. And that will be a good thing. Sometimes the truth will thin the herd. Don’t ever water down God’s Word to make it easy to swallow. Don’t beat them over the head with it either. They’ll come back when they get hungry again. Trust that God knows what He’s doing.

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