Luke 4:14-30 "Homecoming"

Do you remember what it was like to go home for the first time as an adult? Jesus went back to Nazareth for homecoming, and it didn't go so well. They were too familiar with Him to recognize who He is. (Maybe we have the same problem?)

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Luke 4:1-13 "Temptation"

Have you ever been tempted to worship the devil? There are two kinds of temptation—one is a sin and one isn't. When you are tempted, what's the most important thing to remember? Jesus was tempted to doubt what God had promised Him, tempted to doubt who He is. You will be too.

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Luke 2:41-52 "Losing Jesus"

Have you ever thought passing your faith to the next generation is hard to do? Mary & Joseph may have some pointers. Have you ever felt like you searched and searched for Jesus but He was just nowhere to be found? Have you ever felt like no matter how hard you try, nothing works out? You fail everyone and fail yourself? Look no further, this is what you're looking for. The day Mary and Joseph lost Jesus (and found comfort).

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Luke 2:21-40 "Simeon"

Have you ever said, "Okay, I can die now!" Do you know anyone who you would say was righteous and devout? (Would anyone say that about you?) This is the story of Simeon, Anna, and Baby Jesus who was still sore from His circumcision—and pretty much everything we know about His childhood.

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What does Jesus being born in Bethlehem tell us about Him?
What does it tell us about what He came to do?
What does Bethlehem mean in Hebrew? In Arabic?

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Luke's Gospel 1:26-56

“My goodness, girl! It is such an honor to meet you! We’ve been waiting since the Garden of Eden for this—of all the women who have ever lived, or will ever live, you're the one He chose to be His mother.” Are you feeling it? This is quite a moment.

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Making Sense of Daniel pt2

This is the strange part of Daniel (7-12) where it gets absolutely apocalyptic. Pastor Frank helps make sense out of the symbolic cryptic passages—dealing with the Last Days, End Times, Antichrist, and the end of the world. Come on! It'll be fun. He promises to not scare the bajeebers out of you.

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Making Sense of Daniel pt1

How are people of faith supposed to deal with all the outside pressure to compromise what we believe? How does God expect us to handle the constant bombardment of bad news, sickness, frustration, suffering, evil, and pain? What’s the point of being a Christian if all this bad stuff is going to happen to us anyway?

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Making Sense of Jeremiah

The Book of Jeremiah has some of the sweetest, brightest Gospel in the Old Testament—In fact, it's where we get the words "New Testament." This is the story of the most miserable prophet in the Bible giving us the greatest hope. Also, it contains everyone's favorite Bible verse (29:11) Pastor Frank will try not to completely ruin that one for you.

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Making Sense of Isaiah

If you want to know what God sounds like, read Isaiah. God is holy. Crushing Law and the sweetest Gospel. If you've ever been confused by the amazing book of Isaiah—have I got a sermon for you! Pastor Frank has seven important things to keep in mind to help you understand Isaiah.

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