Healthy Body 3

Spiritual warfare. How many different kinds of demons are there? How dangerous are they? Kemper Crabb talks about the reality of such creatures and what we, as the body of Christ, can do about them.

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Healthy Body 2

We’re the body of Christ, Christ and the church are one, and this is how Jesus—if He was a wife, or a husband, or a father, or a child, or a slave, or a master—this is how He would treat people. It’s how He wants us to treat each other. We are to submit to one another out of reverence for Christ. Love each other out of reverence for Christ. That’s what it means to be a “Christian.” Wives are to submit to their husbands. Husbands are to love their wives sacrificially. Children are to obey their parents. Fathers are to discipline their children without making them angry. Slaves are to obey and respect their masters. And masters are to treat their slaves the way God treats us, without partiality. Healthy relationships submit, love doesn’t dominate.

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Healthy Body 1

A study of Ephesians. If we want a healthy body we have to: 1.Eat healthy. 2.Get regular exercise. 3.Lose weight if you're overweight. 4.Protect your skin. 5.Practice safe sex. 6.Don't smoke or use tobacco. 7.Limit how much alcohol you drink. Pastor Frank talks about the connection between doing the things that promote health in our physical bodies and how they relate to our spiritual health as the body of Christ.

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Everyday Joy 3

We should stand out in this wicked dark world enough that people will notice there’s something different about us and ask us what we’ve got that they don’t have. This little light of mine, I’m gonna let it shine. When they see light, that’s when they’ll be interested in hearing about our hope in Jesus.

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Everyday Joy 2

Joy is a byproduct of our faith. It’s not that part we do. We don’t make our own joy. The deal is this: we remember who the Lord is and what He’s promised us. We remember that God is God and we’re not. Our worrying doesn’t do anything good for us, and is actually really bad for us. Bad for us, bad for the people around us. We have to learn how to lean into our faith.

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Everyday Joy 1

Joy isn't the same thing as happiness but it's not completely different either. Joy is what happens when we rejoice in the promises of Jesus. We don’t make our own joy, our joy comes from what He’s done for us and in us. One of the best ways to remind ourselves of where our joy comes from is by having the same attitude Jesus had — We humble ourselves and serve each other like He humbled Himself and served us—humility is the path to joy.

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Overwhelmed 4

There’s no problem we can’t make worse by fighting with people we’re supposed to love. You might be overwhelmed but don’t take it out on other people. We have to show people mercy for the past, grace for the present, if we want to have hope for tomorrow.

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Overwhelmed 3

We love to watch people get what’s coming to them. Until we’re the one who’s got it coming. We don’t want justice when we’re the one who’s guilty. We want to get away with it. Mercy and grace isn’t the way the world works, but it’s the way God works in the world because of Jesus.

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Overwhelmed 2

If you find yourself doubting the promises of Jesus, because you don’t like the way things are going in your life—then you need to come back to Jesus. You need to remember that He’s …

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Witness to Faith

For some reason, people think if they have enough faith, or the right kind of faith, or if they do everything right, pray real hard, walk the straight and narrow—that nothing bad should happen to them. But that’s not the way it works.

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Narrow Gate

We’re not nicer than God. We’re not more loving or more kind than He is. Jesus isn’t just the best way, or the easy way, He’s the only way. There's a wide road that leads to death and a narrow path that leads to life. We need to do what we can to get as many people as possible off the highway that leads to death.

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Ask. Seek. Knock.

This is one of the greatest things that Jesus ever said to us, “Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you.” There are certain Bible verses that we’ve heard so many times that they kinda lose their impact—we have trouble hearing them fresh—I think this is one of them.

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Logs and Pearls

Don’t write people off because you think you’re right about something. Jesus is right about everything but He still gave everything to make sure things are good between you and Him. You think you haven’t disappointed Him? You think you haven’t given Him a reason to write you off? To give up on you?

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Jesus is for Losers

In this teaching Jesus basically says, "What are you trying to prove?” Stop trying to make yourself look good. It’s gross. It ain’t working." Pride is ugly. Stop trying to prove that you're one of the good ones—it's hard to do. If we humble ourselves then God will honor us. Jesus is for losers. AKA "The Pharisee and the Tax Collector."

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What Are You Worried About?

Worry is the opposite of faith. We need to trust God and figure out what He’s doing in our life today. Don’t waste today worrying about tomorrow. God’s given you everything you need to be faithful—to accomplish what He has for you to do today.

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Treasure & Boredom

So how do you spend your money and your time? Now that you’ve been given everything because of Jesus. How does that change how you look at your money? Your possessions? What you do with your life?

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